Applications are invited from enthusiastic, qualified and experienced individuals for the following positions with an immediate start.
Teacher Aides (Part-time)
· Teacher Aide (ECE), Omoka School, Penrhyn
· Teacher Aide (Remedial programs), Tetautua School, Penrhyn
(No experience necessary, but a willingness to learn, an understanding of young learners and a positive can-do attitude – position for island residents.)
Property Maintenance Person, (Part-time)
· Apii Rakahanga, Rakahanga, Northern Cook Islands
(position for island residents.)
Cook Islands Tertiary Training Institute, Rarotonga
· Faculty Operations Coordinator
Provide administrative support for faculty staff and students, data collection and entry into the learner database. Office administration experience with a postsecondary level qualification in business administration/computing required and a willingness to learn and be part of dynamic teams.
Rakahanga School, Rakahanga (ECE to Year 10 Area School)
· Teacher (Secondary – Part time)
For more information on individual position descriptions and an application pack, visit MOE Office in Nikao, Rarotonga, or contact the Human Resources Management division on Ph: (682) 29357.