Kia Orana and Welcome to the Cook Islands Ministry of Education – Jobs Click Here

[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][td_text_with_title custom_title=”Help with education, career development and study skills”]

The ministry offers free education and career advice to current and intending students. Our advisor June can assist you to:

  • clarify your career goals
  • determine a course to suit your needs
  • identify any obstacles you might face and provide appropriate advice.


If you don’t intend to enrol in a school or course, it may still be possible for you to obtain career and education counselling services. Once you’ve enrolled as a student, The ministry advisors can support you through your studies with a wide variety of advice, including help with:

  • course planning and study pathways
  • career development.

For more information about careers and counselling services please fill out the form below and a counselor will be in contact with you.
