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The Cook Islands Curriculum is the official policy for learning, teaching, and assessment in Cook Islands schools. It is set out in this document, and in a series of supporting statements, curriculum, and professional development materials.

The Cook Islands Curriculum sets out national directions for schooling consistent with achieving the goal of education in the Cook Islands, which is

“….to build the skills, knowledge, attitudes and values of its people to ensure
the sustainability of the language and culture of the Cook Islands, and its
economic growth, and to enable the people of the Cook Islands to put their
capabilities to best use in all areas of their lives.” 

The Cook Islands Curriculum describes a framework for learning and assessment that produces a broad and balanced education. The great majority of students will spend twelve years of their lives in school. It is important that during this time, they develop the essential skills and knowledge to cope effectively with the opportunities and challenges, which they meet, both now, as young people, and in future, as adults.